6 Simple Steps to make homemade chicken stock!
Cut the Arromatic Vegetables, or Mirepoix, should be coarsely chopped as they will be cooked between 4 and six hours. The ratio for this should be 50% onion and 25% each of carrot and celery. A good start is 8 oz onion and 4 oz each carrot and celery
A Sachet consists of 1 bay leaf, 2-3 parsley stems, and whole black peppercorns inside cheesecloth.3.



Bring Contents to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Simmer anywhere between 4 and 6 hours for best results. Add water if neccessary to keep bones submerged. After cooking time strain liquid through a cheese cloth. I find that stocks respond well to freezing, and for convenience I freeze a good portion of it into ice trays. This helps for when you only need small amounts.